Good morning!
The Foundation has reached a goal of connecting a family with a child in foster care! We rejoiced and started the process of training and applications! It is certainly a journey that takes desire, time, patience, knowledge, and money. We were on our way to achieving Emma's deepest desires and what she stood for. Every moment has not gone to waste even though the outcome didn’t come to fruition. There will be other opportunities around the corner.
This past year has been a tremendous growth opportunity for me and the board. Learning the direction, needs, working operations, and limitations of taking on this foundation to help children find their forever home. Our goals seem simple and straightforward. The challenge
comes with having the connections and resources to reach and find those that need our help. I am now sitting on the board of an adoption agency and will continue learning and growing in this foundation. I will attend an adoption facilitation training class to learn the process and avenues to achieve our goals.
Opportunity is work. Speaking of working, I happen to work exclusively in OB-GYN ultrasounds and now have the backing to perform pro bono ultrasounds on mothers considering adoption. This physician is also willing to help with the deliveries! She is an amazing person and has a heart for the Lord and I am so fortunate to have found myself in this office.
I personally sponsor a young lady named Faith in Kenya through Hearts and Hands of Hope. I had the opportunity to serve and speak at schools in Africa. It was a gift to encourage those that need encouragement and those that are digging deep within themselves to create a
future through education.
As I dig deep within myself, I would like to share a gift I was given. A fellow board member gave me a list that named the amazing people that helped the night of Emma’s accident. There were teachers, firefighter volunteers, construction workers, moms, and dads that
gave everything they had to help Emma. My greatest - forever life-changing event was
endured by many.
Thank you again,
Holly Lloyd Mills
Founder and Director